Goals and Ideas
It is my goal to serve Him and do His will above anything, regardless of my flaws.
I have always had a big heart, and dreamed of taking care of so many people. When in middle school, I would draw up floor-plans for homeless shelters and imagine the things I'd do to run it.
But, as I've grown, I've learned so much more than I ever imagined and just how bad the whole system is. I know of an incredible strong and brave individual. A parent with amazing, happy kids. Time and time again, they are beaten down, and time and time again they get back up and power through.
There is no denying that our system is in need of revision. The poverty that too many feel compounds their anxiety, but of course they can't afford proper mental health care (let alone physical healthcare) and can't bare the weight of the stigmas associated with mental health care. Our current government welfare programs are so tricky and difficult to stay in. Many benefits will disappear the moment someone makes a dollar too much, and they are left with no benefits and lots of bills and basic human needs yet unmet. This makes it difficult for people to ever escape the poverty trap. (click this link to see a Kurzgesagt video on Youtube about UBI and welfare with sources in the description)
Currently, I house the notion that we can start our own community (communities). We'd have our own plot of land, and possibly even manage our own power [The recent windmill designs that look like trees are pretty awesome and promising]. We'd have a cafe where most people would get most of their food, and grow at least some of our own food. [I really love hydroponics and would love to find people for this, too.] Perhaps we'd all live in cute tiny homes. You wouldn't fear your neighbors, because we would all love each other, cultivating good happy souls.
I call it a notion, because it clearly needs to be refined. I have also had a heart for teenagers in the foster system. It has long been a plan of my to be a foster parent at some point. My concern stems from the strikingly high number of homeless 18-years-olds who have phased out of the system and must continue on with no one who will care for them.
Below is part of a poem I wrote in college:
Life is beautiful.
Bringing life into a world full of hate is not.
But caring for life that already exists
and doing your best to shape it into good
with love, care, and patience
is beautiful.
Laughter is beautiful.
Being left alone or taken from your home is not funny.
But turning a young but stone-cold heart
and curving the corners of his or her mouth
with love, care, and patience
is beautiful.
Love is beautiful.
Making love and not caring for the fruit is not.
But sharing and opening your home
for the children of parents unknown
with love, care, and patience
Is true beauty.
I would like to take on a battered teen who has perhaps not known enough love and just drown them in it! And when they turn 18, guess what? as long as they're going to school (high school or college), they may stay rent free and eat and live. (And should they chose not to go to college, then they have only to pay the same percentage of their income as all other community members.)
On the property, there would be a nice big indoor space in which we could all gather and worship God. And there would be an outdoor space for this, too, when the weather is nice. We would all gather every week and build each other up, and learn to be our best selves.
There would be space for hanging out and watching movies, playing games, having BBQs. There'd be celebrations and feasts and sitting around the campfire roasting s'mores.
We'd all take turns pitching in on chores and upkeep. And we'd promise to contribute 10% of our incomes, a tithe as Jesus instructed. (I struggle with this number. When Jesus instructed us on the 10% tithe, the church was not housing and feeding and providing life necessities to the members, and I've wondered if this percentage should be higher. It would be strange to request 10% of both Trinity Revolutionists who live in the community and those who do not. I've wondered if it should be 15% or 20%? I don't have an idea of logistically how much every thing wold cost.)
As the Revolution grows, we could have little communities all around the world. Happy and good, kind people all working together to cultivate happy, good, and kind souls, and we'd influence the world, helping to cultivate good kind souls in a world filled with so much negativity. We would cultivate good souls that will influence and change the world we live in for the better, advancing His Kingdom. Even without the communities, we could be kind souls cultivating kind souls.
If you should be so inclined as to donate, you may do so here. Any money donated will not be used until instructed by God, but I imagine that it would contribute to the above idea, but likely first to the free cafe. Hopefully we can start the cafe soon, so we can start feeding the hungry in our community, now.